There’s so much confusion these days about what a healthy diet that promotes fat loss really is…
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After all, we are attacked by conflicting messages in the media about what is healthy and what is not and you have all of these gimmicky diet books about low carb, low fat diets, high protein, vegetarian, fasting, atkins diets, south beach, liquid diets, and hundreds more. There’s so much conflicting info that the average consumer doesn’t even know where to start when it comes to eating for fat loss.
The second thing that works time and time again is to focus on the intensity of your workouts and focus on working the body as a whole in order to get the best metabolic response to lose that stubborn stomach fat.
In order to really get flat belly fast, the workouts should have a high intensity, with short rest periods, working the largest muscle groups of the body, instead of trying to isolate specific small muscles like the biceps, triceps or calves.
For the third thing, let’s talk about actually training the abs specifically. When it comes to training the abs, if you want real results, I always recommend forgetting about the crunches and sit-ups for the most part. They are ok for someone that is really de-conditioned, but most people that already have some training under their belt need a much better stimulus for their abs than crunches. Weighted Crunches are one of the abs exercises that actually provide the least amount of resistance, and remember that resistance is what develops and tones the muscles.
I provide a ton of great abs exercises in my book but one of THE highest resistance exercises for the abs, is hanging leg raises (but NOT the way you see most people at the gym doing them). The key to doing these and actually working the hell out of your abs is to curl your pelvis up as you raise your legs. Almost nobody ever does this right. To be honest, the majority of people cannot do this at first, but I provide some strategies in my book as to how to progress to doing these correctly.
People spend entirely too much time focusing on training their abs! WAY too much time spent on abs exercises. Sounds crazy, but it’s true.
Remember, having a flat and visible six pack of abs is all about getting down to a low body fat percentage. In order to do that, your workouts must focus on stimulating a fat burning hormonal environment in your body, and increasing your metabolic rate. That just does not happen when you focus too much time training a small muscle group like the abs.
Instead, you must use the majority of your time focusing on training the largest muscle groups of the body like the legs, back, and chest. That’s what stimulates your metabolism and the fat burning hormones that will get you truly lean and sporting a flat sixxer!
Leith Carnie from Australia
“…I was running regularly and working out sometimes, but I was still getting fatter… Everything changed when I started your truth about abs program…”
Leith’s changes from using TruthAboutAbs at 7 months and 11 months
I began the program on the 5th of February (about a month after my Dec 25th pic). Its now 18th July and I’m still going strong. So I thought I would send in my results so far.
Before I started your program, I was running regularly and working out sometimes, but I was still getting fatter…. and fatter. I didn’t really notice it until my friend took a photo of me at the beach. I was horrified!!!! I knew I had to do something about it, but I couldn’t move the fat. Everything changed when I started your truth about abs program. In the 6 months I’ve been on the program, I’ve lost 25.4 kg and gone from 30% body fat down to 11% body fat.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
I have been sending friends photos of my progress and then the link to your site.
Leith Carnie, Australia
(Update on Leith’s results: as seen in his 3rd pic above, Leith has dropped even more body fat in the last 4 months, and even has six pack abs now. This just shows the changes you can make in your body if you apply the info in TruthAboutAbs. Great job Leith!)
“…I went from a size 14 to a 5. Weight wise I was around 190 lbs when I started and now I am 120 lbs… It’s been a total lifestyle change…”Stephanie before using Truth About Abs Stephanie after getting great results Mike,I attached a couple photos to show you how far I’ve come since starting your program…..it was quite shocking to see what I looked like just last year!! I had forgotten how overweight I was, and looking at these before and after pics again almost made me cry…but tears of joy this time, as I’m so thankful for how much progress I’ve made.Not only do I feel so healthy and vibrant, but I feel that I look younger now too! Its wonderful! I went from a size 14 to a 5. Weight wise I was around 190 lbs when I started and now I am 120 lbs. I’m so passionate about your book and style of nutrition…it’s absolutely amazing …I don’t crave unhealthy stuff anymore …I have eliminated an insane sweet tooth.I happened upon your book about 9 months ago. Once I downloaded and printed your ebook, I read it once, and then again. There is so much information in there that expands beyond just working out and abs. The nutritional information was fascinating, and I believe that was what helped me get to where I am today. The workouts are also so challenging, and talk about breaking a sweat! I love it.I have SO MANY people ask me what diet I was doing to lose all that weight. They just don’t understand that I’m not on a diet… It’s been a total lifestyle change. I would recommend your book to anyone! I feel exceptional, and I am in the best shape of my life!I hope that my testimonial will help you out, as well as other people that have struggled to get in shape. Thank you so much!!Stephanie Hurst Tulia, TexasStephanie Hurst from Tulia, Texas |
After applying the TruthAboutAbs principles
I then came across TruthAboutAbs and Mike Geary online and that’s when everything changed. I changed my running workouts completely and started doing his style of interval training instead and combined this with his unusual workout plans for weights (which are amazing by the way)– I now spend half the time in the gym (3 x 1hrs per week) and get at least 3-5x better results. I’m now 8.7% body fat whereas 2 years ago I was 14-15%. At one point, I weighed 203 pounds, now I weigh 168 pounds and have never been in better shape.Alex Miller, UK Update on Alex: The 3rd picture above is the most recent picture that Alex sent me, and as you can see, he has made even more dramatic improvements as time has one on! Congrats Alex! |
Is this program more for muscle building or fat loss?
The answer is that the concepts taught within the program can be applied to either fat loss or muscle building with some slight modifications and tweaks. However, I developed most of the details within this program to address the MAIN PROBLEM that 99% of people are facing as to why they cannot see their abdominal’s, and that is… losing the stubborn stomach fat that is covering up your abs.
I hope the above article will help you to understand the 3 simple things to get belly flat fast BUT as i mentioned above, people they know most of these but they don’t know how to use it properly to archive their goals as quick as they want. I know “Truth about ABS” program. It’s running so successfully. It is not a scam. Get it now to get you dream waistline and flat stomach.