It’s so easy to fall into the mommy guilt trap.
We feel guilty if we take time for ourselves, so we end up taking care of everyone in the family but us. It’s easy to lose ourselves in the quest to become Super Mom. Along the way we get stressed out and aggravated. It’s important to do something just for us to stay balanced moms.
Here are some ways for you to get started on your journey to rediscover YOU.
Get together with some girlfriends. One of the best ways to rediscover yourself is to spend some time with your girlfriends each week. Have lunch together, go to the movies to watch the latest chick flick or plan a girl’s night out every once in a while.
If you are having a bad day, call one of your girlfriends to vent or just chat. You’ll be surprised how much better you feel and how it puts things back in perspective that seemed like the end of the world a few minutes ago.
Spend a romantic weekend with your spouse – anywhere but at home. Go away for a romantic weekend with your spouse a few times a year. Rekindle your passion for each other and feel in love again, instead just partners in dealing with the everyday “stuff’ involved in raising kids.
Go on a date every week. Get a sitter once a week and go on a date with your significant other. Spend some time reconnecting with each other. If you have an activity that you both enjoy, take a class together.
Pamper Yourself. Do something every week to pamper yourself.
Go get a new haircut. Visit your favorite nail saloon for a manicure, pedicure or to get your nails done. Call your favorite day spa and schedule a facial. Get a massage.
If you are on a budget, pamper yourself at home. Send Dad and the kids to the park. Take a hot bubble bath and paint you toenails. Honey makes a quick facial.Place a cloth in warm water and apply to your face to open the pores. Smear on honey, and leave on for 15 to 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
Don’t feel guilty about taking time for yourself a few times a week. Your kids will appreciate it when they get a balanced and fun mom in return. You will be more relaxed, happier and actually be able to enjoy your family. After all, that’s why you had kids in the first place, didn’t you?
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Note: This article is written in good faith. Please consult your doctor before taking any action.